Prostatitis- a common disease in men of reproductive age and old age.
What is prostatitis? This is an inflammation of the prostate gland in men, this organ is also called the prostate. The prostate gland is located near the neck of the bladder and is an important part of the male reproductive system. Inflammation of the prostate causes its enlargement, as a result of which the urinary tract is compressed and the process of emptying the bladder becomes difficult, and other unpleasant symptoms appear. Therefore, in the event of inflammation of the prostate gland, it is not recommended to be inactive.
Symptoms and signs of prostatitis
Usually, men notice the manifestations of prostatitis quite late. The clinical picture for each case is individual, although we discuss one form of the disease. However, the first symptoms of prostatitis in men are almost the same:
- Difficulty urinating. . . The urethra, which is compressed under the inflamed prostate, does not drain urine well. A feeling of incomplete emptying and a constant urge to urinate are also the first signs of prostatitis in men, and the symptoms will worsen in the future.
- Sexual Harassment. . . These unpleasant signs of prostate inflammation appear in men mainly as a violation of the mechanism of erection and weakening of orgasm. Also, symptoms of prostate inflammation include premature ejaculation.
- It hurts. . . Among the signs of inflammation of the prostate gland in men is pain during urination and ejaculation, a typical symptom is a persistent headache in the lower back.
- Nervous tension. . . Symptoms of prostate gland inflammation include increased restlessness in a man, as an enlarged prostate causes some discomfort.
Causes of prostatitis
Inflammation of the prostate gland occurs for various reasons:
- Poor blood circulation. . . Blood circulation can be disrupted due to physical inactivity (inactive and inactive lifestyle) - this is a very common cause of prostate inflammation in men. Also, the causes of violation of blood supply to organs are large body weight, trauma to the small pelvis, persistent hypothermia.
- Infection. . . Infectious diseases also often cause prostatitis. The prostate gland is easily infected due to venereal and urological diseases, inflammatory processes in the rectum and complications after infectious diseases (tonsillitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis).
- Immune failure. . . Weakening of the body's protective function due to disease, stress, etc. is often the cause of prostatitis in men or worsening of existing diseases.
Types of prostatitis
Acute prostatitis develops rapidly with rapid onset of symptoms. Chronic prostatitis often occurs with a gradual and almost invisible development of symptoms, it is typical for men over 55 years of age.
Also, prostatitis is classified based on origin:
- Bacteria.Often occurs at a young age, but among other types of diseases, such cases are only 5-10%. Typically, acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis occur due to the body’s susceptibility to pathogenic flora.
- Infectious. . . Infectious prostatitis occurs not only due to bacteria, but also due to fungi, protozoa, which distinguish it from various bacteria. This type of disease can also occur in chronic and acute forms. One of its characteristic types is chlamydial prostatitis.
- Purulent. . . Purulent prostatitis is one of the most severe types of infection, with purulent discharge and body hyperthermia. The course of the disease is acute, with the appearance of new symptoms at each stage.
- Calculus. . . Calculus prostatitis is the result of a protracted chronic form and is observed mainly in older men. This form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of stones in the prostate.
- Blocked. . . Non -bacterial prostatitis, which is caused by insufficient blood supply to the tissues of the pelvic organs. Congestive prostatitis, as it is also called, is usually chronic. Of all the types, congestive prostatitis is the most common.
Why is prostatitis dangerous?
In any man, prostatitis without timely treatment quickly becomes chronic and has serious consequences for reproductive health and the general condition of the body. The most common complications of prostatitis include:
- Vesiculitis. . . Inflammation of the seminal vesicles is the first thing that chronic prostatitis is dangerous for men. Vesiculitis can occur without symptoms or make it feel painful during urination, after sexual intercourse, as well as the appearance of pus and blood in the semen.
- Posterior urethritis and colicitis. . . The danger of prostatitis lies in the development of posterior urethritis and concomitant coliculitis. Coliculitis is an inflammation of the seminal tubercle that allows sperm to pass through it. One of the symptoms of coliculitis is blood in the semen.
- Prostate disease. . . The consequences of prostatitis in men can be other more serious prostate diseases: abscesses, sclerosis, cysts and stones, adenomas, cancer. Such complications are treated much more difficult and take longer than prostatitis, and as a result some of them are irreversible.
- Sexual dysfunction. . . Consequences of advanced prostate gland inflammation can be problems in the genital area, including erectile dysfunction. Although impotence due to prostatitis can be cured, it is often irreversible.
- Infertility. . . Because the reproductive system of the male body with prostate inflammation does not function properly, infertility is usually the result of chronic prostatitis. It all starts with a deterioration in sperm quality and vas deferens adherence.
Diagnostics of prostatitis
The diagnosis of prostatitis in men begins in the first minute of a doctor’s appointment, as patient complaints are an important part of it. Also, to identify the disease and its characteristics, other types of diagnostics are used:
- Health screening. . . During the medical examination, a rectum-digital examination is used, which is performed through the anus and allows you to identify the size, shape, surface condition and other features of the prostate gland. Since it is very easy to diagnose prostatitis in this way, this is actually the first and foremost method to confirm the diagnosis.
- Laboratory research. . . Tests for prostatitis in men are used to study blood, urine, semen, and even the study of prostate secretions. One of the most effective methods is urine analysis for prostatitis (general, bacteriological, cytological). Also, with prostatitis, a general blood test is prescribed. In each case, the doctor determines what tests to take for prostatitis and whether more in -depth research methods are needed.
- Non -invasive method. . . These are ultrasound, X-ray diagnostics, and MRI.
Treatment of prostatitis
Self -medication for prostatitis is strongly discouraged. If a man doesn’t know which doctor treats prostatitis, you can ask your therapist about it. But usually all patients know that urologists specialize in the treatment of prostatitis in men. You can also contact a therapist or surgeon, but only for an early appointment.
Many patients face a natural question: is it possible to cure prostatitis? It all depends on the form of the disease. However, the diagnosis and treatment of prostate gland inflammation in men is necessary at the first warning signs, as chronic prostatitis will require more time and financial costs. Modern methods of treating prostatitis allow you to overcome any form and stage of the disease with minimal consequences for the body.
How long is the treatment of prostatitis?
How much prostatitis is treated and whether it can be cured without consequences depends on the complexity of the case. The sooner a man turns to a specialist, the higher the chances of effective prostatitis treatment. The duration of treatment for prostatitis can be from 1 to 6 months, depending on the form of the disease. It is necessary to consider the time spent for diagnosis, which will also affect the duration of treatment of prostatitis.
How and what to treat
There is no single treatment regimen for prostatitis, as the disease is very diverse and requires an individual approach. But regardless of its form, the following methods of treating prostatitis are used:
- Drug therapy. . . Antibiotics are used to treat chronic and acute prostatitis. This is a mandatory and important part of the treatment of all types of prostatitis. In the acute process of the disease, the use of analgesics is allowed, as it usually takes a long time to treat prostatitis.
- Physiotherapy. . . The treatment regimen for prostatitis certainly involves physiotherapy as a method of light massage of the prostate gland. In addition, herbal enemas and other procedures may be prescribed.
- Diet. . . Because it is difficult to cure chronic prostatitis or its acute form with an unhealthy bowel, diet or dietary adjustments are prescribed.
- Physical training. . . This method of treating prostatitis is needed to improve blood circulation in the internal organs.
Prevention of prostatitis
To prevent prostatitis, both after a previous disease, and if there is no such experience, you need to follow simple recommendations:
- A stable sex life. . . Sexual life with a healthy partner will prevent not only sexually transmitted diseases, after which prostatitis often occurs, but also its stuck form.
- Rejection of bad habits. . . An unhealthy lifestyle reduces the body’s defenses, so smoking, alcohol and unhealthy foods should be avoided.
- Sports activities. . . Exercise keeps the body in good condition and increases blood flow to the prostate gland, reducing the risk of prostatitis.
- Prostate massage. . . This is a secondary prostatitis prevention measure in men for those who already have the disease.
- Preparations for prophylaxis. . . This is a vitamin complex that will help prevent prostatitis and strengthen the immune system. Used as directed by a physician.
Prostatitis and pregnancy
Whether it is possible to conceive with chronic prostatitis in a husband is a question that worries many families. It should be understood that the prostate is responsible for many of the most important functions associated with fertilization, therefore, prostatitis increases the likelihood of male infertility. The presence of infection and inflammation in the prostate affects the quality of ejaculation, and although it is possible to conceive a child with prostatitis, the chances of its success are reduced.
Prostatitis and infertility are closely related, because with vas deferens obstruction, pregnancy after sexual intercourse may not occur. The presence of purulent and bloody discharge in the sperm of men with prostatitis significantly deteriorates its quality and reduces the likelihood of fertilization.
With prostatitis, you can conceive a child, but for best results, you must cure the disease first and prevent the possibility of infertility. Only after a man has cured prostatitis, is it time to think about planning a pregnancy. For the treatment of prostatitis and planning the birth of a child, it is better to contact specialized centers that can certainly help solve all the problems.